Wellcome all my followers. I'll mention the last 20. All the other thank you very much. I hope to make more minis which enjoy you.
Silvia (http://ilpiccolomondodisilvia.blogspot.com/ ) lluna45, Michell, Glenda (http://peppercornminis.blogspot.com/), Victoria (http://vika-m.blogspot.com/ ) ,
Bözse (http://mytinyworldfromhungary.blogspot.com/), Duendes, (http://terradeduendes.blogspot.com/), Lainie Ball (http://terradeduendes.blogspot.com/ ), Sylvia (http://lotjesdollshouse.blogspot.com/ ), Sabiha,Nina (http://minimumm.blogspot.com/ ), Zofianna (http://miniaturowamoda.blogspot.com/ ), Beatrice (http://lesminiaturesdebeatrice.blogspot.com/ ), Lucia Gabrieli (http://casedibambola.blogspot.com/ ),
TINK (http://minitink.blogspot.com/ ), Anneke (http://pieplyts.blogspot.com/ ), MAIJA (http://iidasanttu.blogspot.com/ ), Piikko (http://avenidamignonne.blogspot.com/ ), Rosanna (http://rosanna-theredhouse.blogspot.com/ http://lastanzadigiuggiola.blogspot.com/ ).
Obrigada a todos.
Dêem uma passadela nestes blkogs e verão coisas muito interessantes.
Thanks to everybody.
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