quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2010

Holidays swap

Caterina de http://leminisdicockerina.blogspot.com/ fez um intercâmbio tendo como tema o Verão.
Caterina http://leminisdicockerina.blogspot.com/  did a swap with the theme of the Summer.

Eu passarei umas férias com Flora http://lacasadellebambolediflora.blogspot.com/ em Merano-Itália. Parece ser uma cidade linda.
I’ll spend holidays with Flora http://lacasadellebambolediflora.blogspot.com to Merano - Itália. It looks a nice place. Thanks for your kindness, Flora LOL.

Piikko http://avenidamignonne.blogspot.com/ passará as suas férias comigo, aqui na Costa do Estoril.
Piikko http://avenidamignonne.blogspot.com/ would spend her holidays with me, near the Estoril.

Do you like, Piikko? I hope so.

7 comentários:

  1. YesYesYes! I do like very much:D
    Thank you for these beautiful pictures!!
    If you look carefully you might see me already walking near by the castle. I'm the one on the right:D:D
    Warm greetings, piikko
    and thank you for your e-mail too<3

  2. Yes, yes Piikko. I'm watching you! Your dress is very nice. Where do you buy it?

  3. Beautiful destination of your choice! Will be really fantastic holiday :-)

  4. this is also a wonderful place!
    Elis, had not told me it was so beautiful, if I had known, I would also come ....
    Piikkö is too cute! ha ha! I think you will have fun together, this holiday ...
    kisses!!! Caterina

  5. oi Elis.
    Passei por aqui e achei o seu blog um encanto,vem visitar o meu (terradeduendes.blogspot.com)acho que vc vai rir....um abraço.

  6. Duendes, com certeza. Vou para lá agora e, certamente, vai ser um prazer.
